Made Alive in Christ |
Ephesians 2 (NIV) As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and
sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of
the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who
are disobedient.
All of us at one time were with them, gratifying the
cravings of our flesh[a] and following its desires and thoughts.
There is an oft used phrase; "The world, the
flesh, and the devil." This phrase rolls off the tongue very easy and in
the process reduces it to an almost harmless saying. In fact this is that which
has been from the Garden of Eden where man died spiritually. This event was so
tragic that it took GOD himself to provide a remedy for the damage done.
The world, the flesh, and the devil is a three fold
enemy of all men. Even in an unsaved state they fight against the sinner. They
will do everything in their power to keep the sinner from coming to Christ and
receiving salvation. It doesn't stop there, they continue to harass the
Christian even after being redeemed. A brief look at these three forces
THE WORLD or better yet the world system. At every turn there are temptations of
every sort and they are promoted as being good. They have perfected the ways to
stimulate the lusts that dwells within all persons. This alone inhibits
Christian growth. When one hooks up illicit desires with guilt (even if one
never follows through) there is a breach in the relationship with GOD. We are
lucky if there aren't lasting scars left as a reminder of our failure.
Another aspect of the world's system is political
correctness. Evil men pass laws and insist Christians to accept them as their
gospel and reject GOD'S truth. The pronouncement that if it's legal it must be
right is deceptive to it's core.
2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make
ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend
themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing
themselves among themselves, are not wise.
When evil compares itself with evil the outcome is
evil. The world judges it self and is found wanting for it can only gain
acceptance but never the righteousness of GOD.
THE DEVIL Since the Devil or better known as Satan has been portrayed in
cartoons as being impish and in people minds the true nature of this evil
spirit has been nullified. He no longer is viewed as the destroyer of men's
spiritual nature and sending them to the fires of Hades. Those who underestimate
him are soon his willing servants. His captives are constantly doing his will
and buoyed up by a myriad of spirits who were cast out of GOD'S presence along
with Satan.
These evil
spirits (there are no other kind who follow Satan) are constantly searching for
someone they can possess. Without a body they are limited as to what they can
do. All of the false gods are a product their handiwork through men they have
THE FLESH This is the area of our being where we are the weakest. It is where we
scum to temptation.; Where lust is conceived, Where our wills are compromised.
It is where resistance to the leading of the Holy
Spirit is the greatest. All sin is the product of the flesh. It is where
pregnancy, birth, and nurture of the seed of sin becomes full grown. It will
take control of the body to destroy it. It is the place where sinfulness comes
to fruition and enjoyed.
It is where addiction brings the body into subjection
to the flesh. It is the hardest of the
three evils to control and where spiritual warfare within the soul takes place.
There is only one way to control the flesh and the is
to totally commit oneself to the word of GOD and the leading of the Spirit.
This is pretty much what Jesus did when the devil came with all his temptation.
This is the end of my brief comments on your three
greatest enemies.
Now as to resources; " The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these
three are one." Take advantage of the ministry of each of the trinity and
you will make it through and hear; "Well done thou good and faithful
servant" waiting at the end.